PiChem Industrial Markings
PIC-012 • by Planet IndustrialsPiChem is a fictional chemical company utilised by James for his own model railway. You can now add models to your own roster in this distinctive corporate branding. The Pi logo and numbers are intended for locomotives such as the Hornby Sentinel, and the PiChem for branding on tank wagons, such as the Bachmann TTA and the Accurascale PCA.
These waterslide Industrial Transfers are custom drawn for use in 1:76 scale.
This pack includes:
- Pi logo - 8mm tall
- Numbers - 7mm tall
- PiChem logo - 5.5mm tall
These transfers can easily be scratched, be careful when handling. The carrier film is very thin for fidelity but this mean they can crinkle, curl or break if misused.
We recommend applying these transfers over a smooth glossy surface, gloss varnish is ideal. Cut carefully around each transfer carefully to minimise the amount of carrier film. Soak in cold water, usually less than one minute. Microscale 'Microset' or equivalent can be used to improve adhesion. We recommend applying a sealing coat of lacquer or varnish to protect the transfer after it is dry.
Avoid exposing the decals to excessive solvent thinners during finishing (e.g. during weathering) as this can dissolve the ink.